Below are some recommended materials for you to be familiar with (e.g., watch the videos) as you begin this program.

Recommended Viewing

Dana did a short 17 min AMA video with some key bullet points about running an InPower meeting. Check it out for a short overview of good meeting practices and some common myths about what makes meetings great.

This program will be more meaningful to you if you've already begun using some of the InPower concepts in the Leadership Library: Personal Mastery & Personal Brand Development.* If you're not already familiar with the following CORE PRACTICES, please watch the videos and explore them before the program begins as the material we cover in this course will presume your familiarity with them:
  • CORE PRACTICE 1 Commitment & Grounding
  • CORE PRACTICE 2 Emotional Detriggering
  • CORE PRACTICE 5 Transforming Beliefs 
  • CORE PRACTICE 13 InPower Language
  • CORE PRACTICE 15 Listening/Clarifying Meaning
  • CORE PRACTICE 16 Transforming Conflict

You may also wish to purchase a copy of THE PRIMES, which is optional for this program. The PRIMES Website is excellent and has short videos for each prime to help you absorb the concepts. There will be suggested reading assignments from this book to help you understand core concepts we’ll be discussing in this program.

The PRIMES by Chris McGoff

NOTE: You'll find an index of all the PRIMES on pp. 237-8 of the physical book and after the Conclusion in the eBook versions.

*Access to this library is included with your purchase