InPower Update: The Gender Wealth Gap 💸 Pay Gap Reframed?

InPower Coaching
Jun 19, 2023

Excerpt from InPower Coaching newsletter - sent June 8, 2023

Money is inherently fluid, ever changing and “never enough.” For these reasons and more, it’s also accompanied by fear. And for women especially, it’s time to get eyes-open about some of the realities that come along with gender and wealth. ~ Dana Theus


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Explore the hidden truths behind the gender wealth gap and practical steps to navigate financial planning and personal power in our most recent InPower Coaching article on gender, money, and success.

The Gender Wealth Gap: Pay Gap Reframed

For better or worse, the gender pay gap (currently at $0.77 per dollar) is now a fact of life we all seem to accept, sadly, as each equal pay day for different gender and racial demographics passes throughout the year. Given that our paychecks are not only necessary to our survival day-to-day, but also to our personal sense of worth in a culture that so heavily values money, it’s appropriate that equal pay day be noticed and recognized. However, the perpetual focus on pay inequity masks a deeper and more meaningful issue, the gender wealth gap, to which the pay gap contributes.

Click here to read the full newsletter on The Gender Wealth Gap