Tool: Emotional Detriggering on Demand
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How it Works
Before You're Triggered
Lesson 1: Understanding Your Emotional Triggers
Prepare for a Situation That Usually Triggers You
Releasing a Trigger
Lesson 2: Detrigger Yourself!
Lesson 3: Expose Yourself To A Triggering Situation
After you're triggered
Lesson 4: Continue Detriggering To Find Emotional Balance
Continuing the work
Releasing a Trigger
Releasing a Trigger
Tool: Emotional Detriggering on Demand
Buy now
Learn more
How it Works
Before You're Triggered
Lesson 1: Understanding Your Emotional Triggers
Prepare for a Situation That Usually Triggers You
Releasing a Trigger
Lesson 2: Detrigger Yourself!
Lesson 3: Expose Yourself To A Triggering Situation
After you're triggered
Lesson 4: Continue Detriggering To Find Emotional Balance
Continuing the work
2 Lessons
Lesson 2: Detrigger Yourself!
Lesson 3: Expose Yourself To A Triggering Situation