Do FIRST: Program Introduction


In this program, you'll have the opportunity to join me in a practice of guided meditation and centering. You can explore the introductory materials on your own and I recommend that you do so to ensure you get the most out of the program. 

How to prepare if guided meditation is new to you  

Before diving into the meat of this program - explore the practice meditation recordings . This will introduce you to some of the basic tools I use in the individual sessions, but in more depth than I do in each recording.

Before each session, you'll want to do the following so it's a good idea to prepare this before the program begins.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet spot where you can sit undisturbed for 15-30 minutes.
  • Notify others around you that you would like to be quietly left alone during the time you are on the call or listening to the recording.
  • Have a pen and some notepaper or a journal handy.
This is important because If you're distracted by others or uncomfortable you will find it difficult to meditate and reflect.
